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Primary statistics — the fundamental element in the role system SPECIAL, defining parameters of other characteristics (Derivatives). There are 7 characteristics, the initial letters form the name of the system — S.P.E.C.I.A.L.:

The basic characteristic can never go beyond a given range, even when having various abilities, features and other factors.

The main characteristics are in most cases unchangeable throughout the game, the constant increase or decrease of one of the characteristics is rather an exception than a common feature. In practice, the constant modification is due to direct interference in the mechanics of the game world.
The main characteristics can be changed temporarily by wearing items, using drugs or special influencing factors (for example, the consequences of excessive radiation dose in radiation sickness).

"The values of the primary characteristics can be checked when interacting with objects in the game world."

Another category of parameters:

Hover your mouse over the image to read the description of the characteristic.

List of characteristics



Changes: Healthpoints, Carry Weight, damage with close-combat weapons, possession of weapons and throwing range.
Maximum base carry weight = 25 + ST * 25

Initial damage with close-combat weapons = ST − 5 (Minimum 1).

Strength also defines the success of wielding weapons. If the character's strength is below the required value for the weapon, he will receive a penalty when using it: -20% for every missing point of Strength.
Each point in Strength over the required value of the weapon gives +5% chance to hit.

When using throwing weapons, the maximum throwing range depends on the character's Strength. 1 point of Strength is equal to 3 Hexes of throwing range. This value however can't be greater than the "factory" characteristics of the weapon. That means that it is not possible to throw a knife further away than 16 hexes and a spear not further than 8 hexes.

Characters having high strength can also, for example, break in closed and normal doors.



The ability to see, hear, notice and anticipate events. A necesserity for every sniper. Changes the Sightrange, Sequence and the ability to see sneakers.



Ability to stand wounds and injuries. This Characteristic also defines resistances from poison and radiation.
Endurance is used to calculate the following Characteristics: Initial Healthpoints, poison resistance, radiation resistance, Healing rate, additional Healthpoints per level. The initial skill of Outdoorsman is also defined by Endurance.



Ability to charm people by having a good appearance. High Charisma will help you find a mutual language with many characters.
Each point in charisma increases Evasion by 1%. Trade and Speech are also build on Charisma, as well as the maximum amount of companions. This Characteristic also influences, how other characters treat you when meeting them. Conversation partners with high Charisma themselves are more resistant to your charm.



Intelligence defines the amount of skill points you gain each level. In addition to that a lot of skills initial skill is defined by intelligence (First Aid, Doctor, Science, Repair, Outdoorsman).
Intelligence does not affect derived characteristics, but it serves as the basis for many non-combat skills. This Characteristic has an importance in conversations: intelligence defines the amount of available replicas. Characters with high intelligence speak more wiser and ask more questions.
Amount of skill point per level derieve from this formula: 5 + (IN * 2).



Agility - speed of movement.
Agility affects two derived characteristics (Armor class and amount of Action Points), and also on most of the skills, especially combat skills (Small Guns, Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Unarmed, Melee weapons, Throwing, Sneak, Lockpick and Pickpocket). The more the Agility of the character, the better the coordination of the movement, which means a higher chance to dodge a trap, open a lock etc.



Luck - the most unusual characteristic. It influences the outcome of many different events.
Luck affects the chance to critically hit. Higher luck not only grants more critical hits and therefore more damage, but also decreases the chance of you getting critically hit and therefore receiving more damage. Luck also influences many outcomes of events and the chance to get to random encounters.
Critical hit damage to your character is cut by 5% for each point of luck.
Critical hit chance on the target is increased by 1% for each point of luck.

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